Why join a Board?

PAVE offers opportunities for parents to serve on the Parent Leaders in Education (PLE) Boards that are Ward-specific as well as population-specific to bring together parents of diverse backgrounds and connect them through a shared passion for education and change.
  • Click here to see a full list of our PLE Boards.
PLE Board members serve as leaders who drive PAVE’s actions and education campaigns with support from PAVE staff by:
  • Deepening their knowledge of the DC public education system, critical issues, and the policymaking process;
  • Working together with other parents to identify and create change on the education issues that are important to them and other parents across DC;
  • Learning how to organize other parents and their communities towards action;
  • Leading meetings and building relationships with elected officials to understand how policy is created; and
  • Taking back the reins of education so that the system is created by and with parents, rather than just for parents.
For more information, please contact us at ple@dcpave.org.


Do you want to strengthen the schools in your community?

PAVE Parent Leaders in Education Board (PLE Board) members are part of a team. Sometimes, when one parent leader says something, someone might listen. But it’s hard to ignore a group of parent leaders standing together, saying the same thing! Members of Parent Leaders in Education Boards exhibit their #ParentPower through: Community Organizing
  • Sharing their ideas and perspectives on PAVE’s policy and advocacy priorities through Ward-based or Citywide board meetings and meetings with members of the PAVE team
  • Building relationships with their other parent leaders
  • Serving as an advocate for the diverse lived experiences of families across their Ward and greater DC community 
  • Communicating the perspectives of all parent leaders on their Ward’s PLE board, in addition to their own viewpoints
  • Modeling leadership through follow-through on advocacy actions
  • Becoming informed on policy issue areas and the education landscape to answer specific policy questions about parent priorities with systems leaders 
  • Leading the creation of PAVE’s Statement of Beliefs
  • Having a social media presence on social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) to communicate about PAVE parent priorities 
  • Supporting in media opportunities identified by PAVE staff