PAVE Voices
Marcia Huff: Three critical changes to at-risk funding: tailor funding, meet student and family needs, and ensure transparency
For two years, I worked with youth exiting DC’s child welfare system. Reliable information on the child welfare system is purposely made scarce by DC
Meaghan Mountford: The worry that comes when it comes to school funding
There is a very distinct air that surrounds you when you live in financial stress. I grew up in a household with a single mother
Darya Davis: Stark divide exacerbated by the pandemic, leave parents weary of opening schools
The stark racial divide among parents on who is comfortable sending their children to school for in-person or hybrid learning is just another, entirely predictable
DaSean Jones: An unusual school year means new routines for families
My children’s schooling has always been one of my top priorities, and I work hard to build a rapport with their teachers each new year
Brittany Wade: For my family, it was time to homeschool
For my five children, my husband and I made the decision to homeschool. We had considered homeschooling before the pandemic, and with the onset of
Kesara Brewster: Doing what was best for my kids meant asking for help after the pandemic hit
We already lived in a cold house with a leaking roof, moldy walls, peeling paint, and no home cooking because the oven hasn’t worked in