Summit Issue Survey Results


Every year, parents come together at the PAVE Parent Policy Summit to set their vision for education in DC! To kick off this year’s PAVE Parent Policy Summit, we had over 400 parents, families, and community members from all across the District take the Summit Issue Survey to select the issues that parents will vote on at the summit.

Often, only the loudest voices are frequently heard. PAVE seeks to include a diverse set of voices, that represent the needs of all children, in the decision-making process. We received responses from parents of all backgrounds – including parents with children of all ages, in both public charter and traditional public schools, and parents from all 8 wards.


From North to South to East to West:

Where do the PAVE Summit Survey respondents live?


Parents from all across our city took the survey. Out of all the respondents, almost half of them live East of the River in Wards 7 and 8.


PAVE Summit Survey respondents have children

across all grades in all types of schools in DC.








How did people take the survey?



To ensure that the survey was accessible to as many families as possible, the survey was available both on paper and online, in both Spanish and English. The majority of the surveys were taken on paper at places where everyday parents already are: schools, bus stops, grocery stores, and community events.



2019 Survey Results


Here are the results of the survey to see what issues parents chose

as the top priorities to vote on at the 2019 PAVE Parent Policy Summit!


Issue Area for Value #1



More specialized school programming (such as language immersion, STEM, and CTE).


Issue Area for Value #2


Increased funding for each student in the Uniform Per Pupil Spending Formula (UPSFF).


Issue Area for Value #3

Mental health supports and trauma-informed training in all schools.


Issue Area for Value #4

Increased and sustainable Out of School Time (OST) programs.


Issue Area for Value #5


More parent- and community-centered engagement opportunities.



Thank You!

Thank you to all of the parents and families who amplified their voices by taking the survey! And thank you to our partners and community members who shared the survey to ensure that all parents’ voices were included in the process. We know that when of parents from all backgrounds have a seat at the table, all children win.