
#ParentPriorities for Safe Passage in DC

Defining Safe Passage

Safe passage programs help students travel safely to and from school, and are one part of a broader public safety initiative that protects our children. While there are many issues around safety and this work is intersectional, PAVE parent leaders will specifically focus on kids traveling to and from school so we can target our efforts and get to meaningful and concrete change.

The Problem

Too many families across DC lack access to safe, reliable transportation options to and from school, contributing to the alarmingly high rates of chronic absenteeism which have a detrimental impact on students’ academic performance. Ensuring safe passage for all students in every neighborhood is critical for their success in school and beyond.

Our Vision

Every family has access to convenient, reliable, and safe transportation options to and from school for their children, no matter where they live or where they go to school. 

In order to make PAVE parent leaders' vision a reality, we have identified a set of solutions that we believe our DC leaders should work with communities and families to prioritize.

Policy Solutions: 

  • Coordinate with school leaders so SPAs are connected to the larger school community
  • Create stronger systems of communication with all stakeholders
  • Expand standardized training for SPAs
  • Ensure stakeholder feedback is included in the evaluation process
  • The Deputy Mayor for Public Safety and Justice (DMPSJ) should convene with all school leadership to discuss urgent school safety needs.
  • All safety agencies should consistently communicate.
  • Improve coordination across all safety agencies to support clear ownership of the work.
  • The Office of the Student Advocate (OSA) should continue to convene hyper-local safety meetings & work with community partners to ensure robust & diverse participation.
  • Pilot youth-only metro cars and buses with safety personnel on the routes.
  • Expand DC School Connect with more routes and improved information sharing.
  • Improve recruitment and retention of bus drivers.
  • Prioritize traffic safety infrastructure near schools.
  • Improve information sharing to the public about safe passage program effectiveness and usage.

Support Parent Leaders’ Vision for Safe Passage!